Tuesday, July 7, 2009

June Happenings!!

Our summer has been sloooooow in coming but lately we have had some beautiful weather!! Despite what the weather does I have so much to be thankful for. My mom was able to come and spend two weeks with us, we kept her quite busy going to see our other children and going to work with Bob and seeing country she hadn't seen before.

Beautiful background!

Swatting the bugs at the State Park Stace and her daughter @ the airport

Our oldest daughter was able to come home with her little girl so she could meet both sets of her great-grandparents for the first time. We hadn't seen our granddaughter for a couple of months either (and they change so quickly) so was a treat for us as well. My mom had an "appreciation day" celebration while she was here; we invited all the extenended family to celebrate her and Fathers Day.

Mom with her b'day cake Stacie and Nugget talking to Nugget's daddy on the computer along with Big and M "C"
Cousins, a wonderful gift
Had a little picnic Great Grandma, Grandma, Mom & Nugget
Great Grandma, Grandma, Mom and the 3 "C's "
The whole fam with Great Grandma
The W girls with Great Grandma, Grandma, and Dad

The whole W fam with Great Grandma
Great Grandpa W with the W girls
Great Grandma W with Nugget
Playing in the sprinkler mat
At the lake

Tree fort at the farm
Great Grandma, Grandma, Mom and the 5 "E" children Great Grandma with the 5 "E" children
The whole "E" fam with Great Grandma

June went by in a blur.....but am sooo thankful for every moment we have with family. Never want to take it for granted!