Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Today was the day for Willow's first grooming. Her fur was getting out of control so I took her in to be groomed. She looks so much better. Here are a few pics of her.
This is Willow when we first got her, she was 10 weeks old.
This is Willow before she went in, she is 6 months old now.
Willow after. Her fur is shorter than originally planned because it was pretty matted.Not exactly a winter cut, but at least those matts are gone.


Drifters said...

Cute picture's! She looks like a different dog. You better send her out here. She is going to freeze back there.

Stacie@HobbitDoor said...

You're right--not exactly a winter cut but I bet she feels better too without all those mats! :) Off to work, have a great day!

Me said...

She looks totally different! Her face is still really cute!:0) Too funny!