Turn your favorite photos into a photo book at Shutterfly.com.
We had the wonderful opportunity to take this trip to Mexico with my husband's company. We met some great people and the weather was perfect! Really was fun to get away for a bit. It was a working trip though. We were there to host the dealers and their wives. They were all so easy to be with so it was fun. Nice to do some things we (or at least I ) have never done before. Like going down the zip line. There were two circuits of 7 zip lines. If you went down one in the circuit you had to finish the other 6. So it was a commitment and I wasn't so sure I was up to the challenge. But two guys that were ahead of us were so funny that it kept my mind occupied. Plus Bob and the other couple that we were with were so excited that it was contagious. But I couldn't actually say I was having fun till we did the second circuit. By then I was getting into it. One of the zip lines we had to go down a water slide to get to the next one. I had never been on a water slide either...yep I am hooked that was pretty fun!!!!!! The second circuit had us landing in water quite a bit, but it was a beautiful day and added to the excitement. The place we did all of this was called EXPLOR, it had many different things that you could do. There are pictures in the photo book above.
Then back at the resort we ate at different restaurant every evening. We had Japanese one night,Contemporary Asian another night. We also ate at the Grill it was an Italian-Argentinean grill with wood-fired pizza, and the Market with lots of different meat choices that they would bring out for us to try. Was all very elegant. It was all inclusive so made it easier to try things I probably wouldn't have otherwise.
It truly was a fun 5 days but always so nice to get back home. We had the privilege to babysit some of our Grandchildren when we got home on that Saturday so rounded out our trip nicely.
I just finished this book that I borrowed from our kids...it is a must read for everyone. This was a man who lived through the turbulent times of the 60's and how God used him in amazing ways. He was so willing to be obedient to God's call, truly a man of God. And the miracles of God during that time. Always so amazing to me that that was all going on in my life, and I had no idea. Very humbling, and probably still is in areas of our country. Such good history lessons in it as well.
Felt so good to "finish" the book, and have now finished another. I don't like not finishing books and this is the first time I have had so many books started.sigh Such a great feeling to check it off my list.
This song really ministers to me. I was listening to it this morning and it got me to thinking about something my Dad said when we saw him a little while ago. I don't think he means it to be negative,he just says how wrong he was in who he thought I would turn out to be. It's not the first time he has said it, and really I am thankful that there is such a drastic difference in who I was to who I am now. It's all by the grace of God that I am changed I am thankful every day for that. There is such peace in my life now, before I was always so agitated and angry at just about anything. Very selfish,me first,didn't really care how I go there just so I had my way. Would feel guilty and instead of apologizing or stopping the bad behavior I would cover it up with anger. That way it was safe too, those who truly care would persevere to see how I "really" was, Such an empty game. But thats where I "was". Once I came to Christ God showed me in His ever patient way the things in my life that I needed to give to Him and change. Oh how I am thankful that I have listened. I am always a work in progress and I am always thankful He has loved me through so many steps backward. But I know I can't "live" in the past with all those regrets!! This song is such a wonderful reminder!!
Also in the Love Joy challenge this is a picture of what was beside me this morning: Jedi our cat that we inherited from our daughter and son-in-law, she has been a loving companion! And the other picture is of what is below me that I am thankful for and that is my feet. :o) Thankful my feet are healthy and get me from place to place with ease.
'Anail is driven out by another nail; habit is overcome by habit.” ~ Erasmus It's only the 4th day of the New Year, when this woman cups my face in her hands
So I start my day this morning giving thanks for a good nights sleep.
2. My husband's faithfulness to me and our Lord
3.Our family how precious they ALL are
4. My health
Just a beginning will be adding to my list throughout the day I am sure. :)
I know I say this all the time but it is unbelievable another year has passed. What I came away with from last year of changes and time passing so quickly is that I need to be very intentional with relationships. God has called us to love our neighbor as myself. I pray this will be the year for that as well,to not miss those opportunities that He gives me!!
This blog change was a major ordeal...sigh...so much I still don't know,but I will learn. Another thing I want to work on this year is to not shy away from something new but to forge ahead and try to learn! Here is a few pics of Christmas season and the New Year with our son and family. Looking forward to April when we meet the two new grandchildren that are due then. Lots to be thankful for!
Friday, February 4, 2011
When I was on the treadmill the other morning I was watching "Polly"; this movie has such a good message. It goes a long with a blog that I followhttp://www.aholyexperience.com/ On Monday's she has One Thousand Gifts, that's where you list the gifts that God has given in your life. Well Polly does the same thing with the "glad game". The sun was shining, albeit cold, but a beautiful day outside, and I thought I have so much to be thankful for myself. That weekend, truth be told was not a good one. I was a little under the weather, so to finally feel good enough to exercise, and to see things in a new light was so refreshing. Also, to never take health for granted. This movie brought back a memory of when our third daughter Nikki was home on spring break from college. She had a goal; and that goal was to find a wedding dress. She was getting married in August and wanted to get the dress ordered to be sure it was here in plenty of time. So off to the big City of Fargo/Moorhead we go. We are on a mission, she has wedding planner book in hand, and a list of places to go, and things we must get accomplished. She is very much the planner, and a stickler for details, so she doesn't want interruptions. So we are on our way to a bridal shop and my car is getting very hot. Nikki informs me that the car is filling with smoke. I tell her "oh it is probably exhaust from the cars". We are at a busy intersection at lunch time. She says, rather excitedly, "MOM, I can hardly see my hand!!" Little exaggeration here I am thinking, also a little denial. You see, I did notice the smoke, but I thought if we could just get through this light and get to a safe place to pull over we can evaluate the situation. sigh In the meantime, people are honking at us to pull over, Nikki is a little excited to say the least and I am trying to act like everything is under control. So light FINALLY turns green, we go and pull into an empty parking lot. We evaluate, yep the car is definitely on fire. So we are out of the car now and Nikki remembers her planner is still in there, so off she runs to the car to receive the planner. And in my mind I am picturing (like in the movies) the car exploding the minute she touches the handle, so I am thinking NOoooooooo, she opens the door and gets it. Just as a guy drives by and hollers "GET AWAY FROM THAT CAR!!" He was not happy, he had called into the fire department, we could hear the siren. They came, they put it out, fire in the console. Not drivable. We still have a list to conquer. Nikki NOT impressed. Me thankful it could be fixed, cuz with a wedding on the horizon I thought I can't afford a new car. So the only thing left to do was to go have coffee somewhere right?! So what does all this have to do with Polly?! I must have watched this movie shortly before this very eventful day, because as we are walking to the restaurant I start playing the "glad" game. So I share with Nikki that we can be glad that it was a beautiful day, because in this country in early spring it can be very cold. This was after I took her the wrong direction to the restaurant. Then I said we can be glad you have a cell phone so we can call her brother, who was 45 min away, to pick us up. You get the point of my game and that's when she told me that "she will be glad when I STOP playing the glad game". We had a good laugh over that. But she really was not happy she had lots to do. So our son finally got there and we rode home with him in his little Honda, 2 door, 2 seater CRX. It was an experience. This was just a fun memory to recall; but it does remind me though, that God is in control. And that situation could have been much, much worse. He protected us, provided a ride home for us, and the car could be towed to a nearby mechanic to be fixed. And yes, we were able to go shopping later and found a beautiful dress for her. And we were GLAD. *smile*
With the new year comes new things to try: so for us it was cross country skiing. We actually have done it before, years ago when I was 18, and probably 9 yrs ago in MT. Both of those times were in the mountains, this was the first in Northern MN. It was a blast!! The temp was only 6 degrees, but the sun was shining, not wind and it was beautiful. We did get hot and a little sweaty. Bob did much better than I. I had a challenge with going up hills, kept tripping myself. ugh!!! Then I couldn't get back up. Oh well, with practice hopefully I will get better at it. And there most definately WILL be a next time. So here is to new experiences *smile*