Since May is the month to celebrate Mothers Day I was thinking of the women in my life that God has blessed me with. The first is my mom. As a child I know I didn't appreciate who she was as a woman, she was "mom". I never thought of her as a person with feelings, a person who had a life before her children or outside her children for that matter. But as I matured in the Lord and had a family myself did I understand all that she had done for me and my siblings. Hers was not an easy life, not at all the way she would have liked it to go. Things happened beyond her control but she dealt with it in the best way that she knew how. It wasn't easy, especially with a daughter like me who sure put her through a lot. But, I am so thankful for her and all that she has taught me about persevering and not giving up

. Then my mother in law, she has taught me a lot as well. When we moved here I was a very young mom and she showed me nothing but unconditional love. I am sure she saw things in me that probably disturbed her, but she just loved me through those things and did not criticize. She taught me unconditional love. My aunt in law, loved me as well with an unconditional love.

My sister in law who as well has been through so very much in her life. She taught me how to focus on the Lord, do not dwell in the past, persevere and trust where God is leading. I have two more sister in law's who as well have touched my life,and have been a blessing to me. There are many more women, friends, and sisters that I am so very thankful for. Its amazing when I look at my life and see the people God has brought into my life, and I am the richer for it. Then their are my girls. All are expecting babies in these pictures, all at different stages of pregnancy. ( Our daughter in law has now delivered a beautiful baby girl, 1 week ago) They have all taught me how to be a better woman in the Lord.

Our oldest daughter in her patience as she waited for God to bless them with this pregnancy. She waited and trusted, even when at times I am sure it seemed like it may never happen. I admire her unselfishness with her time. She is always taking a meal to someone or ministring to their neighbors, or entertaining, & working full time.

Our second daughter in losing her son...such a trying time but her faith in the Lord never waive rd.We have seen God do amazing things in their family.She as well has been so very active in their Child Evangelism ministry, working with the youth and MOPS, allowing God to use her time,with a busy home life as well with their children.

Our third daughter in dealing with health issues, her faith never wavered as well. She was able to care for her family despite terrible pain, trusting all the while that God would and does sustain her.She as well working with the youth as her husband is the Youth Pastor, and now is the director of Childrens ministry in their church. They all amaze me at how they are very willing to be vessels for the Lord with their time.Our daughter in law, starting out married life not at all the way I am sure she had planned, but how she has allowed God to work in her life, and the maturity He has grown in her, her faith has never wavered.She as well has been very willing to jump in wherever she is needed despite the busyness of her home life with three children so close in age. All these women as I watch have blessed me in ways that they don't even know. I am amazed that God has placed them in my life. These women are all terrific mom's, each dealing with their own challenges and joys and such unique individuals. I am thankful, and never take them for granted, happy to share in their lives. So this post is dedicated to them and to thank them for their diligence in being Godly women!!!!!
Thanks, Mom! What a wonderful heritage we have! You have taught me so much about perseverant prayer and loving those who are not easy to love. Thank you for all of the life lessons you have and are teaching me.
Thanks Mom! That was a great post. You have taught me a great deal as well. There are so many things I could fill a book I think. A couple are perseverence in prayer and I don't say that lightly. When I talk about prayer to others or teach youth I always talk about you. Also, I am so thankful you taught me when I was young how to work through my perfectionism and anger. You have taught me endless amounts of things in mothering. From the value of being home with my kids, to not running and doing everything so I have time for them, to the fact that I need to be teaching them about the Lord constantly and in all things. That list does not even begin to cover it all, but thanks Mom!
Wow, what a nice post. I agree with Stacie & Kim in that you have been a wonderful example for us. I have always watched the way you & Rob handle things with your kids so I can learn from you.
What a wonderful and sweet blog. You have raised wonderful women and have been a great example to many.
Sue I just found this today. I want to say it is you that has been such a blessing to our family. Thank's to you and Rob for all the times you have stepped in to help in many ways.
Thanks mom for such an awesome blog!! I can't echo enough about what has already been said! Not onl have you taught me so much about being a good mom, but I am still constantly learning from you! Thanks for the reminders, encouragment, prayer, and the wonderful Godly example you continue to display!:0) Thnks mom!
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