Friday, January 6, 2012

Here is a challenge I am very excited about for 2012...Love reading Ann Voskamp @ Holy Experience. Her writing challenges me and encourages me to live my life turning to God EVERY day,in every moment giving thanks! The 1 Habit Your New Year Can’t Do Without: {Giveaway}
‎'Anail is driven out by another nail; habit is overcome by habit.” ~ Erasmus It's only the 4th day of the New Year, when this woman cups my face in her hands
So I start my day this morning giving thanks for a good nights sleep.
2. My husband's faithfulness to me and our Lord
3.Our family how precious they ALL are
4. My health
Just a beginning will be adding to my list throughout the day I am sure. :)

1 comment:

Stacie@HobbitDoor said...

Love it! Joining you as well. :)